myGym Health & Fitness Limited
Exercise Readiness Agreement 2018MUTUAL AGREEMENT
Your health is your responsibility. The management and staff at myGym are dedicated to helping you take every opportunity to enjoy the services and facilities available.
With this in mind, we have carefully considered what we can reasonably expect of each other …
1. Don’t exercise beyond your limits. If in doubt, ask a member of staff and we can advise you on consulting the relevant medical professional (e.g. Doctor, Chiropractor, Physiotherapist) prior to progressing your exercise regime.
2. You are entitled to an optional ‘free’ induction. We expect you to be able to use the gym equipment safely, correctly and without supervision. In turn, we will ensure all equipment is regularly serviced and deemed fit for the purpose by qualified engineers (our annual certificate is on display at reception).
3. Familiarise yourself with any rules / notices regarding correct use of facilities and equipment. If in doubt, ask. Remember, use of equipment or kit in a manner not recommended by us or the manufacturer, could put you and / or others safety at risk.
4. Please read the below and let us know if you would answer ‘yes’ to any of the following:
4.1 Has a doctor / medical professional ever diagnosed you with a heart condition and indicated you should restrict physical activity?
4.2 When you perform physical activity, do you feel chest pain?
4.3 Prior to engaging in physical activity, have you experienced chest pain in the past 3 months?
4.4 Do you ever faint or get dizzy and lose your balance?
4.5 Do you have an injury or orthopaedic condition (e.g. back, hip, or knee problem) that may worsen due increased physical activity?
4.6 Do you have high blood pressure or a heart condition in which a doctor / medical professional is currently prescribing medication?
4.7 Are you pregnant?
4.8 Do you have insulin dependent diabetes?
4.9 Are you 69 years or older and not used to being very active?
4.10 Do you know of any other reason why you should be extra cautious when exercising?NEXT ACTIONS
Providing you agree to the above mutual expectations and have responded to all questions with a ‘no’, then no further action is required (please tick the agreement box if joining online).
If you don’t recall seeing this agreement before, but would like us to re-register your agreement, please visit our ‘Contact Us’ page and send us a message with the subject heading ‘ERA OK’.
If you disagree with any of the mutual expectations and/or have responded to any questions with a ‘yes’, then please visit our ‘Contact Us’ web-page and send us a message.
Alternatively, you can speak to a member of the myGym team by visiting the myGym reception or giving us a call on 01722 502566 before you begin using our facilities.